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Chapter Five(24)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
She tilted her head when she didn’t receive a response, her smile dimming just a bit in child-like puzzlement, ‘Will, what are you thinking about?’
The boy started as if finally hearing her words, and looked over with interest. 
‘Yeah, you look so great in white! Like an open lotus flower.’ He noticed a strand of hair billowing behind her neck, and walked towards her to tuck it in. His fingertips brushed lightly across smooth skin, but neither of them reacted to the intimate motion.

Chapter Five

Memories. Was it the chaos that was showing him, or simply...... 
No it couldn’t have been. Yet he wondered, why he was suddenly reminded of the past so frequently. Was it the girl......?
He frowned. But as the darkness slowly smoothed out into vague multi-cornered objects, half transparent and not distinguishable at all, he instinctively grabbed tighter onto Cecy’s hand, guiding her subconsciously like he had taught newcomers before.

Chapter Five
