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Chapter Five(19)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
Cecy took a deep breath. And it was not totally a lie, for the images were to vague and distant to describe even if she had wished to. 
Was it her imagination, or did Will pause for a fraction of a moment after her answer, and she thought that he might have looked through her lie; but he didn’t mention it.
They kept climbing towards the light. Up, up, up, and after a while Cecy couldn’t look down anyway, for they have reached the height of a eight-floor building.

Chapter Five

It was a brief silence, neither of them speaking, until the sunlight became brighter and brighter, and they emerged onto a narrow platform next to the window. 
Will closed his eyes for a second, as if visioning where they were going, as he had just told Cecy. Then he opened them, as if realising something. ‘You can try.’
Cecy had already closed her eyes, and was trying to vision the place they had just been in. The terrace slid into her mind, and she could see the pouring rain, hear the rumbling thunder. She heard Will’s voice hazily as if through a veil, and imagined herself standing beside the gold-colored railings, her hair whipping in the wild wind.