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Chapter Five(16)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
‘There’s no use waiting any more, you have found your specialty, usually these rules have to be taught at the beginning. I already disobeyed.’
But why? Cecy wished to ask, but she sensed that the reason was something more private to Will.
She couldn’t help staring into Will’s deep green eyes, wondering how many other secrets, good or bad, are hidden inside the calm surface of the pool.
Will took a step back, retaining the distance between them, and Cecy found to her surprise that she had silently stepped right before her companion. Why was it so hot in here? She thought, flustered.

Chapter Five

Will, however, didn’t pause after taking that step back. He pointed vaguely towards one of the windows high up in the tower, tiny in the swirling dust and light. ‘This is where we have to go. The mirror has to be somewhere my——normally people wouldn’t look.’
And Cecy noticed a narrow staircase, winding against the wall, leading upwards, towards the warm and hazy sunlight from up-high. ‘Is this the way?’
‘Yeah, but before that.’ Will turned away from her, looking at the foot of the staircase. His voice carried a queer sense of relief, as he said, ‘Didn’t you want to know about mirrors and why they can bring you to another place?’