诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【800-802】(16)
2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
Abomination: I had originally added this (as Sequence 2, its impossible for a Sequence 1 to be alive if a Sequence 0 is) but later removed it. The reason is Sharon just said "Probably" and didn't give an affirmative answer. Its unclear whether she doesn't know or just doesn't want to say.
Worm of Time; So far its only been proven that Worm of Time is an ability used by Marauder's and not a Sequence potion. It is very likely that it is but it hasn't been confirmed. In Chapter 393 its only mentioned some people suspect it is a Sequence potion but again it hasn't been confirmed. In 770 its just an object.