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2023-10-28 来源:百合文库


Chapter 1&2 
Summary 1
"Chapter 1 opens with the words "December 2001." A nameless narrator immediately refers back to the winter of 1975, when the narrator "became what I am today" and obliquely mentions an event that occurred in an alley when he was twelve years old. The narrator then mentions a phone call last summer from a friend in Pakistan, Rahim Khan, and unatoned sins. Going for a walk, the narrator notices kites flying in the San Francisco sky. He recalls Hassan, the harelipped kite runner and list names such as Baba, Ali, and Kabul. The chapter ends with another reference to 1975 and the assertion that the event that transpired in the winter of 1975 "made me what I am today." 引用于Chapter 1 (cliffsnotes.com)。

