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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【735-741】(21)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
please please please rescue arrodes klein, hes such a good boi!
Secrecy and mystery prying? If I remember correctly The Fool is represented by secret and change...
(回复楼上) Krebert
If that's Arrodes's "personal symbol", it must represent what he's made up of in therms of beyonder characteristics. If he really does have both types of characteristics and they didn't clash, then that means Arrodes was/is at least a sequence 3 (since Seer path can't switch to adjacent paths until then), either going from Seer => Mystery Pryer or Mystery Pryer => Seer.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【735-741】

At least this will have him digesting the extra Faceless potion in record time, having to keep a poker face about casually burning money.
(回复楼上) isabant
Not just faceless, even the clown part of the potion, you know the part of seeing fate but only being able to cry about it coz of your helplessness, he'll be crying coz of the helplessness of his wallets inability to sustain gold pounds