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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【709-714】(4)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
It is not the power of faceless that is ‘broken’ but the MC’s level of intelligence and meticulousness that makes him so hard to beat. Remember Rosago? He was a faceless as well. Not a very good faceless, is he?
In the world of mysticism with gods and demigods in control, shapeshifters can be easily countered in many, many ways.
Any power with divination would have ruined things for MC if not for the power of the fog

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【709-714】

(回复一楼) Amathyn
Is why I like the book and the author. Even the simplest of powers can be a deadly weapon when used in the right manner.
(回复一楼) ARTEN
Well I think there is no useless ability. Only users who can not maximize their capabilities.
(回复一楼) Dex2
And maybe in future he could get an item that can prevent a devil from sensing him till it's too late. Remember that sealed artifact that Leonard was wearing to hunt down Jason Beria?