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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【697-700】(3)

2023-10-27 来源:百合文库
(回复楼上) NomingWolf
would the giant fit in the cabin?
So, the almost all Angel families during Forth Epoch once served under Black Emperor of Solomon Empire. After Tudor and Trunsoest Families betrayed Solomon Empire, they formed the Tudor-Trunsoest United Empire, and hence there are two seats in the ruins where Medici is.
Then Zoroast and Zaratul remained faithful to Solomon Empire, while Abraham, Antigonus and Amon families supported Tudor, and Augustus, Sauron, Einhorn and Castiya supported Trunsoest. I probably missed some families here, but that's the rough idea.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【697-700】

(回复楼上) burntpotato
ah thanks for that, I'm always confused who's with who with all these family and empires. I'm quite tempted to just look at the wiki but it'll probably contain major spoilers.
Solomon (or was?) supported True Creator while Tudor-Trunsoest qas supported by 7 orthodox God.??