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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【638-645】(11)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
✔ The Hidden Sage (a little unlikely) or
✔ Someone higher up the chain in the Moses Ascetic Order.
✔ Maybe it is someone else spying on everyone in the area to see who has clues
✔ maybe it's the shadow ascetic
✔ 隐匿贤者(可能性比较低)或者
✔ 摩斯隐修会的高层
✔ 也许是某个监视该地区所有活动人员的人,为了获取线索
✔ 也许是密修会
【642章(旅行家-160章)一举三得 】
Oh Audrey, you don’t need to go through such roundabout methods. All tarot club members have The Fools favour, and if you asked for assistance he would most likely help, considering that your bubbly and agreeable attitude is one of the few things that make his pained smile a genuine one.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【638-645】

You need to be more diligent in training your human Susie, even if they say they don't want it, give them a lick or pit your head on their lap. Those positive reinforcement is how you train your human to communicate.