诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【623-629】(11)
2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
Imagine the Admiral's reaction when he came back with all these mess
【627章(旅行家-145章 夜深)】
Poor guy, never gets hit on by any normal women. Only gender bender demonesses, in all variations like one possessed by the gender bender goddess, a 1000 year old demigod gender bender and a pirate gender bender while he is a cosplaying as a hot trap. And now he gets a flowery 3m tall tree woman that wants his child. Jesus fuc k what a life.
(回复楼上) ResidentialPsycho
The high school girl named Elizabeth liked him! She seemed pretty normal. She was Melissa's friend back in the first book.
(回复一楼) mustrum
I have high hopes for Klein x Sharon, Nimblewright x Puppet.
我对于克莱恩 x 莎伦抱有很大期待,秘偶大师 x 木偶。
She's already lost control and turned into a monster, so Klein or someone else will have to kill her. Klein will have a lot of reporting to do when Amyrius shows up.... "By the way, I was contacted by an ancient order, your brother got fired and I shipped him off to Backlund, and your mistress turned into some weird sex plant that I had to kill in order to save everyone else here."
【627章(旅行家-145章 夜深)】
Poor guy, never gets hit on by any normal women. Only gender bender demonesses, in all variations like one possessed by the gender bender goddess, a 1000 year old demigod gender bender and a pirate gender bender while he is a cosplaying as a hot trap. And now he gets a flowery 3m tall tree woman that wants his child. Jesus fuc k what a life.
(回复楼上) ResidentialPsycho
The high school girl named Elizabeth liked him! She seemed pretty normal. She was Melissa's friend back in the first book.
(回复一楼) mustrum
I have high hopes for Klein x Sharon, Nimblewright x Puppet.
我对于克莱恩 x 莎伦抱有很大期待,秘偶大师 x 木偶。
She's already lost control and turned into a monster, so Klein or someone else will have to kill her. Klein will have a lot of reporting to do when Amyrius shows up.... "By the way, I was contacted by an ancient order, your brother got fired and I shipped him off to Backlund, and your mistress turned into some weird sex plant that I had to kill in order to save everyone else here."