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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【586-594】(20)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
(回复一楼) Daoist556545 
an orgnization can have multiple pathways, as many as they can. e.g., nighthawk has sleepless,mystery pryer, seer, their main pathway is sleepless because godess is seq 0 of that pathway.
【593章(旅行家-111章 办法)】
Maybe Klein can give the Sun God another call through divination and try to purify the eyeball through the tiny instant of exposure before he has to hang up :) nah....that would be too “death-seeking” for Klein’s cautious mind....

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【586-594】

也许克莱恩能再通过占卜call太阳神一次,然后试着在对面挂断电话之前把那个被污染的眼球放在阳光下曝光净化一下 :)还是不行……这对克莱恩这么从心的人来说太“作死”了……
(回复楼上) Randompasserby
That's...actually a pretty good idea lol.
If you don't mind being the target of not just the explicitly Evil God's but also the regular ass Orthodox Ones too 😅
(回复一楼) SaintBookwormLich
Yeah, although... It would be equivalent of put on a bullseye and being a target of a nuclear missile aka rhe fury of the Sun God. Fortunately Klein have the fog above wich is like a sunblocker of SPF 40K 🙌☀️