诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【570-578】(15)
2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
Whoa! For a pathway that has little to do with fate - the Seer pathway - the grey fog sure is drawing a lot of powerhouses to Klein. 😱 even demigods are not exempt from something we believe to be the uniqueness of an entire pathway.
Now that I've mentioned it, it really seems a uniqueness of a pathway will provide all the abilities of that pathway to the one that possesses it. We seen Seers have great divination abilities which the grey fog aids greatly with. You can even be a deity stalker a number of times and still live 😅.
We've read that Miracle invoker which is Sequence 2 of this pathway, can return/bring back from the dead. The grey fog has done this for Klein at least twice. Though surprisingly, it did this before he even became a beyonder meaning uniqueness (if it is) can be grasped by virtually any one. He did the ritual of walking 4 steps counter clockwise and boom! Took over it
Whoa! For a pathway that has little to do with fate - the Seer pathway - the grey fog sure is drawing a lot of powerhouses to Klein. 😱 even demigods are not exempt from something we believe to be the uniqueness of an entire pathway.
Now that I've mentioned it, it really seems a uniqueness of a pathway will provide all the abilities of that pathway to the one that possesses it. We seen Seers have great divination abilities which the grey fog aids greatly with. You can even be a deity stalker a number of times and still live 😅.
We've read that Miracle invoker which is Sequence 2 of this pathway, can return/bring back from the dead. The grey fog has done this for Klein at least twice. Though surprisingly, it did this before he even became a beyonder meaning uniqueness (if it is) can be grasped by virtually any one. He did the ritual of walking 4 steps counter clockwise and boom! Took over it