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2023-10-27中英双语日本語dreamily 来源:百合文库
Nick found himself alone on his birthday, standing outside in his pajamas and a tattered old robe while his mother wept beside him. He stood for hours with her until the police arrived. They told them to go inside where it wasn't cold anymore so they did, but neither of them moved. Eventually they went inside the house and locked everything up again. Then they drove off.
On days like this, Nick was alone. Alone to mourn. Alone to grieve. His life had changed now that his parents were gone. But they were still there, somewhere deep within his head, haunting his dreams and tormenting his thoughts. 


He would see them in mirrors, watching him; in his memories of them, floating behind him. They watched every single move he made, every word he spoke. When he looked away, they appeared before him again. If he turned his head sharply, they appeared behind him.
Sometimes they whispered things to him, encouraging him to do certain things. Things they couldn't even say out loud because no one else ever knew about them, not even Nick's mom and dad.