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试一下续写,顺便test English续写(6)

2023-10-26测试诗歌续写testEnglish 来源:百合文库
他想,这也是他讨厌用这么个假名的部分原因。他总是要把这件事留给自己,他永远不能与另一个活着的人分享。永远他永远听不到他们在想什么,他们的感受如何。他们不能告诉他他们真实的感受,即使他们想告诉他。No matter how much he'd tried to understand why that was. Why wouldn't they want to say that? What would they have to gain by keeping it a secret?
He could never understand why. He couldn't understand how anyone could keep something like that from him. He was meant to know these things. People should never hide things from him. 

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He didn't care what it took, he'd do whatever he needed to get the truth out of someone.
That's when he got into trouble. When he broke rules. When he did something wrong. Things happened, he knew they would happen eventually. He knew that one day he'd be sent back and the punishment would begin. He knew that one day he'd be alone.
He had done a lot of bad things while growing up. His parents had loved him very dearly and he had returned that love. 

试一下续写,顺便test English续写
