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Chapter Four(2)

2023-09-16原创连载英文小说初三 来源:百合文库
It has been a long, and dare she think of the word, time.
Cecy walked towards the bookshelves after Will, and as she drew closer, she saw the neatly labeled bookshelves, in black and clearly written. 
Weapons, History, Index, Encyclopedia, Important events.
These titles were weird enough, Cecy thought, well maybe not the History and Encyclopedia, but which kind of library would put down important events as a briefing about the books in the bookshelf? How many ‘important events’ were there to be written about to begin with?

Chapter Four

But as they walked even deeper into the library, the titles became even wierder. Cecy passed a dusty and ancient bookshelf that was labeled ‘Future’, and she thought amused that the supposed ‘Future’ must have become the ‘Past’ long ago, since the bookshelf itself was so ancient, and tufts of dust swirled in the air, which implied that no person had touched this bookshelf anytime recent.
Oh well, but Will was still walking, not even sparing the bookshelf a second look, and she was sure that he would not crack a smile at such a boring joke. It would be embarrassing.