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荷鲁斯叛乱系列《原体列传:洛迦 真言持有者》1-4-4至1-8-4,贴吧搬运(4)

Great Powers, dwellers in the Empyrean,
Hear today our thanks for thy creation,
And thy merciful aversion of thy divine wrath at our trespasses.
King of Storms, Lord of Blood,
Hear today our thanks for thy strength,
And thy protection from the conquests of the impure.
Queen of Mysteries, Lady of Fate,
Hear today our thanks for thy knowledge,
And thy watchfulness against the hazards of uncertainty.
Prince of Hearts, Sire of Dreams,
Hear today our thanks for thy inspiration,

荷鲁斯叛乱系列《原体列传:洛迦 真言持有者》1-4-4至1-8-4,贴吧搬运

And thy indulgences of our mortal ambitions.
Princess of Life, Mother of Hope,
Hear today our thanks for thy vigour,
And thy generosity in times of need and austerity.
Praise be to the prophets.
Praise Khaane!
Praise Tezen!
Praise Slanat!
Praise Narag!