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2023-09-15mlpfoepfe 来源:百合文库


Dear Reader! If you hold this opus in your hooves, that means that you have decided to take the first step in mastering the subtle art of foul language. The ability to swear firmly and ornately is actually an important and essential part of intelligent speech, and there is absolutely nothing shameful in it if used properly. In most cases, simply adding a dirty word to your speech is not enough to impress audience and fully express your feelings, and many improve their skills of conveying emotions colorfully throughout entire live. Sadly, our dictionary will unlikely be enough to raise you to the level of real maestros of this art, because the truly masterful swearing should come intuitively and from your very heart. But thanks to this book, you can definitely get a starting point that will guide you in further improving your talents in this field This book is divided into three main sections, depending on the dirtiness and strength of the curses. If you have never encountered rude expressions before, we strongly recommend that you start reading from the very first, most decent section. All the phrases listed here are universal and can be applied in any situation to express anger, resentment or admiration. 1. Light swearing This section gives examples of the most frequently used curses that are accepted in society as relatively civilized and acceptable for use even with foals. They will still allow you to clearly and vividly express your thoughts and your mood to the recipient. Oh, Celestia curse you(them)! Luna`s curses! Oh, for Celestia`s sake! Discord`s spawn! Oh Goddesses! Let you(them) choke on it! May Luna smash your silly head! May Celestia burn you(them)! May Celestia and Luna bring curses upon you(them)! May your friends abandon you! May Discord take you! Sweet Celestia! Flying feathers! May goddesses damn you! Horseapples! Pegasus horns! What the hay! </r>