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Their feet will plow your skin into rashes
And you will sleep no more, o stomach-with-a-Head-o-it
You will sleep no more
O Ballon of Lard who tried to cat me
Man Uglier than an Exploded Jellyfish
I cannot kill you NOW
Though I would like to
But I can Walt, Ticking in the corner like Fate
And I have friends
I have friends who will crawl with me into your coffin
Where you are lying, hoping for the quiet sleep of Death


And we will cat YOU, o Sad Lump of Man Meat
we will eat you We will eat you
Where was the song coming from?
Eventually, Hiccup realized the noise seemed to be sneaking out of the jacket he had worn the day before and left to dry on the back of a chair in front of the fire.
And then he remembered the nanodragon he had replaced with the Electricsquirm and put in his pocket.
Hiccup braced himself against the cold, jumped out of bed, dragged his clothes on and approached the jacket. Carefully, he put his hand into the pocket and drew it out again with a gasp. Not only was there a yucky warm mess of honey in there, but the nanodragon had bitten him on the end of his finger.