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stretch 34 miles by a letter(亚瑟视角he线)(2)

Flows by, leaving the voice of leaves only 风习习而过,与自然一体的我还留在原地,风声潇潇
For the natural me.
2 I have seen the eternity only once, 我曾与永恒相见半面
In the far future, at the distant field.是那遥远的未来,是那旷茫的原野
Low down to take俯身啜饮
A slight scent of moist ground, a dim outline of you within湿润泥土的清香,和你模糊扑朔的轮廓
Sight but beyond reach.在水一方
That is you,那是你

stretch 34 miles by a letter(亚瑟视角he线)

Disappearing in still,foggy, azure brine.在宁静,氤氲,蔚蓝的海上明灭
3 Such tireness to say Amour, a everlasting winner from the creation of the world.我早就对说“爱”感到倦怠,爱——创世以来永远的赢家
Days are long yet nights are always approaching, uneasy stars failed to shine into my soul.白天很长,但夜永远在逼近,不安焦躁的星芒如何照进我的灵魂!
Fragrance of iris is to me what woods are to robins.只有鸢尾花的菲香,就像知更鸟依偎它的树林

stretch 34 miles by a letter(亚瑟视角he线)
