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Chapter three(27)

2023-09-15原创连载英文小说初中生初三 来源:百合文库
Her ears were still ringing a bit from the unexpected thunderstorm, and Cecy found it difficult to raise her head, but she managed with a bit effort.
And saw a hand, stretching out towards her from a greater height. 
Will was looking down at her. Taking his hand, Cecy got up, surveying her surroundings. They were in a room also filled with shelves, like the weapons room, but more spacious and with brighter lightings.
Which enabled Cecy to see further, and she squinted. The objects on the layers of shelves were actually thick and rectangular, like books, all neatly jostled together on the wooden planks.

Chapter three

They were in a reading room, or judging from the fact that there was no seat or table, a small library only for borrowing and returning books.
She looked sideways at Will, whose anxious expression had finally begun to melt off, replaced by something like a smile. He liked books? Cecy wondered, somewhat amused at the thought, oh well, couldn’t have known it before, he doesn’t look quite bookish enough.
And he definitely didn’t have the same aura of peace and self-restriction Cecy’s aunt Annie had, and Annie was always mumbling about books when Cecy, Becks, and......