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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【504-511】(19)

2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
*fans self* Is it the Sun Brooch or is Klein becoming quite the hottie action hero? Lol. Too cool! Those kids are gonna grow up with stars in their eyes telling stories of this Uncle.
(回复楼上) Randompasserby
Oh thank the Lord he chose to go with a more rugged, unapproachable sharp charismatic Hunter type rather than the usual dashing/handsome pirate style.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【504-511】

Can't have our Fool getting swamped by thirsty ladies when sailing the seas after all lol 🤣
Come on Klein, you already have the badass demeanor and freaking Flame Jump to teleport right behind the enemies back down pat, if not the Burial Scythe, at least build your own Threaded Cane dammit!
You're just cramping other Hunters style now lol 😏

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【504-511】
