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Anne of Green Gables Chapter 7-10 | Stories for Kids(26)

2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
and i've got to confess luckily
i've had practice at confessions aunt
josephine was knitting by the fire
who are you she demanded i'm anne of
gables said the small visitor and i've
come to confess
confess what miss barry asked
it was my idea that diana and i jump on
your bed
diana is a very ladylike girl
and it's not fair to blame her ann said
diana jumped too said miss barry
it was just for fun persisted anne

Anne of Green Gables Chapter 7-10 | Stories for Kids

diana really wants to learn the piano
if you must be angry be angry with me
mrs hammond and mrs thomas were always
angry at me
i am used to it and i can endure it
better than diana
the old lady was not angry anymore
in fact she was interested in this
strange red-headed girl
two girls bounced on me in the middle of
the night
she said sternly you don't know what it
was like
i don't know but i can imagine
and said eagerly it must have been very

Anne of Green Gables Chapter 7-10 | Stories for Kids
