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Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive(7)

2023-08-20 来源:百合文库

Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive

Obviously, I was not comforted; Mr. Du's comparison was too bloody.
“Holy crap! I’m still there!” I look around outside through the glass tube and this is still the station of blende street in Shanghai. Obviously, the teleport failed.
I cannot just stay here and wait, my mom is waiting for me at this time, I thought, then I opened the door of the tube, and walked out of it.
I remember, my mom told me stay calm in troubles, and lead myself by intellect of the human will. Now I think that even though the physics teacher told us the working principle of the transient device, as a high school student, I cannot repair it. After all, it is one of the most sophisticated devices for human beings.

Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive
