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Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive(6)

2023-08-20 来源:百合文库
“You had a narrow escape, sit down and pay attention, Taylor.” Mr.Du said: “now, let me tell you a little story, we all know that we can teleport because of the transient device, and one transient device have three main parts, firstly, the identify device, it identifies our physical indexes in units of garo, and the vanishing device will scatter our garos, at that time, we “dead”, we are not exist any more, but then, in another tube, the third part, creating device, will build us up with garos and electrons, use the data from identify device! We just need to send data to another terminal of transient device to teleport ourselves.” 

Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive

Suddenly, I felt fear. It turns out that the moment I lost consciousness, I actually died. I think of my humanism class, and according to the humanistic textbooks, maybe I'm not myself anymore.
I raised my right hand to ask Mr. Du the question: “ Mr. Du, don’t you think we are not ourselves anymore after teleport?” He laughed, and told me: “ how come, Taylor? Imagine being frozen and sawed into pieces, and we use top medical technology to bring you back to life. Are you still yourself? Of course you are!” he continued: “ the vanishing device just cuts you up into smaller pieces -- garos, that’s it.” 