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2023-08-20 来源:百合文库
When they go into the building, all the Busters laugh,“Is this the place that kids disappear?” said Louie, with laughing “Just this?” “Now shut up.” said captain “When your eyes see something, sometimes it is not real. Two side, Harry, you lead side1, and other, follow me.”
Side1 and Side2 met together, Harry said they lost one member, side1 just has seven members tells to MTF, but MTF tells to O7, but O7 said when Ghost captain choose the side 1 team, there is only 7 members in team. This news shocked all the soldiers. Ghost Buster have a division, one side want to go back, another side want to finish mission, they argue from language to actions, they didn’t stop even Harry comes. At last, Ghost come out and shout out STOP!! All soldiers stop.


Night is coming, but nobody seen the ghost. In case of any accident, Ghost want two soldiers to spend the night on watch, and others go sleep.
Two soldiers watch on night, after a long time, soldier1 wake up, he finds that he was sleeping, and another soldier that is watch night with him is near him, soldier1 shake him, but soldier2 didn’t do any things. When soldier1 put his hand down to soldier 2’s nose, he has a scared feeling from he’s heart, soldier2 is died! Soldier1 had hear some sound behind him, when he turns around, he saw a ghost is behind him, is the same ghost as kids met, look like a soldier. In the eyes of despair from soldier1, ghost get closer and closer…