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2023-08-20 来源:百合文库


MTF's 28 sites, get some information, that is a bunch of children is disappear in an old school. O7 parliament had discuss about with that which kind of mission is this, at last, the final answer is this mission is a “Supernatural mission”. They need Ghost buster to implement this mission, but Ghost Buster is in 73 state, so O7 parliament send a red SD to 73 state, to let Ghost Buster to come to 28 state to implement a mission.
“Hey! Everyone! Listen to me! O7 use the highest direction, want us to come to here to attar mission, and we get information from O7, that about 12 kids disappear in this old building. This mission, maybe in this mission, we can’t come back! So who want to quit, raise your hand! No body? Dennis! Why don’t you quit?” “Because we are a team!” “Why we are a team? Louie?” “Because we work together, we help each other, our heart is in a straight line! That make us a team!” “ Okay, so Let’s go.”

