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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【476-478】(9)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【476-478】

(回复楼上) Alessan
I completely disagree, the churches are super strong but theres no way for them to know everything that would be stupid. If the churches were big brother then there would be little to no chance for other organizations to exist in the first place. How are they supposed find stuff like this out? Even if they weren't divination proof you have to know something beforehand to be able to successfully divine anything about it. Spies in the Demoness Sect and Aurora order should be near impossible to achieve even at low levels, let alone the very top of organizations that are cleared for knowledge of a plot like this. Not to mention the royal family (and I think the Demoness sect too?) are both older than the churches. Even though they don't have a true god backing them we've seen that ever since the fifth era the orthodox gods practically don't touch the world at all. Fighting a foundation older and possible deeper than the churches own with no foreknowledge of the plot at all how are the churches supposed to compete? Not to mention they have no access to Sequence 1 beyonders like the Royal Family might since they don't have a god behind them. Finally, most of the churches resources are focused on keeping order for the general public (Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, Machinery Hivemind etc.) while secret organizations likely have about the same manpower (Law of beyonder characteristic indestructibility or whatever its called) but can completely focus on whatever their goals are instead of getting bogged down in a bunch of random stuff all time. 