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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【451-454】(20)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
This is a really amazing chapter. It gives us so many speculations. Just think about how it will be when Klein becomes a demigod!! A bona-fide resident demigod! Oh my. Also, at sequence 4, there is a great qualitative change as mentioned. It makes you wonder what it will be.
A sequence 4 is obviously much much more powerful than a sequence 5. And it isn't a linear increase either! Imagine, the ash of the saintess that Ince Zangwill used to advance were only sequence 4. Yet, Ince had to use the sealed artifact and cause the coming of a god to steal it.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【451-454】

The ash was used to guard the church and even managed to restrain that baby from being born! So awesome. Now as a faceless, he has a lot of convenience too (Klein that is)
In steps a demoness, stirring the pot that the dukes death opened, at least that is what my beyonder intuition is telling me...