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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【451-454】(18)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
(回复楼上) Ymarsakar
Seers have strong self defense intuition.
Klein has a scary woman pursuing him... Given the romance aspect, I can't help but think she's of the Assassin Pathway. He's certainly quite fortunate to dodge her every time, but I think the prince himself is also limiting her contact with men outside of the manner. Good job, Prince Edessak! Keep Klein's chastity safe!

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【451-454】

(回复楼上) Padoru_Padoru
If my intuition is correct, it should be a scary man (turned woman) who pursue him
(回复一楼) sxfdcgfvhgbjhn
I personally suspect she's of the Demoness pathway. We've seen multiple Demonesses behave similarly
(回复一楼) Dex2
It might also be an effect of the thin layer of grey fog. Later at a much higher sequence, he might even be able to go above the grey fog with his physical body and use it for something close to teleportation - he enters in one place and appears in another that he's been to.