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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 -【445-450】(16)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
The Fool – New beginnings, optimism, and endless possibilities. 
Given enough TiMe, anything is possible. Even miracles.
【449章(无面人-236章 更好的选择)】
2000 for his contribution and paying 2500 for the ingredient instead of not paying anything and getting the ingredient... This way he will have what? 500ish left? Basically he can think of it like having paid 500 to keep his sequence a secret from that Church for now, might burn his pockets a bit, and leave the soul a bit bittersweet, but I think it is a good trade.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 -【445-450】

An even more positive spin is that for 500 and not doing any work aside from being an informant, he gets his ingredient, he keeps his secrets, he learned more about both the Hivemind, their abilities and means, learned more about Amon and his background and family, is having as much money as he can moving through his Tarot Club Economy (even if it ends up in hands outside of the Club, this is an underestimated and important detail), it improved the Hivemind’s opinion of him and fits what they wanted most out of the deal (future business is key) and is helping Audrey look good/giving her credit with her side organization (if this exchange goes well in the eyes of that organization they are more likely to make trades through Audrey in the future). This is how well trickle down economics wishes it performed in the real world, the more exchanges, the more people who potentially gain benefits, if not the money in the end. Lol.