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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【438-444】(20)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
Could still be a higher sequence member of the Demoness sect though.
Or the artifact could be specifically designed to mess with divination and nothing else, that could make it a lower grade artifact but still potent.
Stop me if you've heard this before, but I think I figured out what the focus of Klein's Seer pathway really is, it's not fate but deception! Think about it:

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【438-444】

-Seers deceive others to think they know all
-Clowns deceive others to think they are happy
-Magicians deceive others to think they can do the impossible
-Faceless deceive others to think they are someone they are not
This also explains why his digestion relies so heavily on what others think of him, being recognized as a truly powerful seer, Melissa and Benson thinking he was a cheerful clown, the other detectives seeing him as a detective that can crack any case like magic...

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【438-444】
