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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【400-406】(5)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
Marketing team needs a reality check, im not against ultra premium privileged extra chapters but set a realistic price at least 20 chapters for 50$ is a rip off, you can buy a physical hardcover book and more for that.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【400-406】

In the origin, the title is 'the Growth of NEW HAND'.The NEW HAND in chinese has 2 meanings: first, it means rookie; second, means a real new hand....so, u know why Lovia eat her finger in the end of chapter???
Tsk tsk, qidian has already shown their true faces as mercenaries a long time ago. It was just implemented as sneakily as possible to have the least amount of backlash and people get used to the new status quo. Like how we had spirits stones that expired in double the current time and we lost them all of a sudden when they decided they wanted to cut it in half. And what passed me as the most sneaky, bastard, subtle, tiptoey ty daily draws. 