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2023-07-16价值投资财经期刊 来源:百合文库
Lenovo Group’s third-quarter revenue andprofit both hit record highs. Personal computers and smart devices and datacenter groups have achieved record revenue; mobile business group revenue hasalso achieved double-digit growth, of which the sales of smart phones in Europeincreased by 82% year-on-year.


Brilliance Chinasoars by more than 25%, media says FAW plans to acquire shares of BrillianceChina for US$7.2 billion
According to media reports, FAW Group plansto purchase shares of Brilliance China for approximately US$7.2 billion. Thequoted price is about 11 Hong Kong dollars per share, which is a 70% premium toBrilliance China's average share price of 6.48 Hong Kong dollars in the pastmonth.

