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fear, and took him up and up… The Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow took Alvin the Treacherous in their iron invincible grip, up and up and up to drown his frail human flesh in the ice and fire of the upper atmosphere, so that he could never more return to earth, except as dust or purple rain. Alvin the Treacherous had often said that a Treacherous was very hard to kill, and in his case, that saying could not have been truer. Alvin had survived the booby trap of Grimbeard’s coffin (that was when he lost his hand), being swallowed by a Monstrous Strangulator (that was when he lost his hair), falling into a Sharkworm feeding frenzy (that was when he lost his eye and his leg), being eaten by a Fire-Dragon that dived into a volcano (that was when he lost his nose), dropping into the inferno when the woods of Berserk went up in flames (that was when he found his mother, and started gaining an unpleasant skin condition). But surely even ALVIN could not survive this time. Alvin blamed Hiccup for all of his misfortunes, so the very last words you could hear him say, as he was taken ever upwards into the ice and fire of airy oblivion, were:

