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There was a horrible, screeching, screaming noise from above. A noise so screamingly, desperately awful that it felt as if the hairs on your head were being dragged out by the roots, a noise that sent terror to the very depths of your soul. Alvin froze for one moment, and then gave a yell of pure fear as he saw what was racing down towards them. The Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow were coming for Alvin…
That was their terrible sound as they hurtled through the air, changing as they flew from air into fire and back again. One second they were howling tunnels of wind, the next they were flaming bullets; and so fast was their descent you could only see the vague outline of their thunderbolt progress. They had been watching languidly from their airy perches in the upper atmosphere to check that the rules of single combat were observed correctly. They saw Alvin and the Witch sneak into the combat ring, they saw them strike the Dragon Furious, they saw Alvin steal the Jewel. ‘He has desecrated the rules of single combat!’ howled the Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow, as they dived downwards at unimaginable speeds. ‘Come,