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2023-06-28战锤40K荷鲁斯叛乱 来源:百合文库


Blood Demands Blood
The Master of Mankind
THE SEVENTEENTH PRIMARCH was known to the emergent Imperium by many names. The worlds left in his Legion’s triumphant wake knew him as the Anointed, the Seventeenth Son, or more elegantly, the Bearer of the Word.
To his primarch brothers he was simply Lorgar, the name given to him on his home world of Colchisduring the years of turmoil before the Emperor’sarrival.
Yet as with many primarchs, he also bore an informal title – a term of respect often used by the eighteen Legions. Where Fulgrim of the III Legion was known respectfully as the Phoenician, and Ferrus Manus of the X Legion carried the Gorgon as his title, the lord of the XVII Legion was the Urizen – a name pulled from the half-forgotten writings of ancient Terran myth.

