2023-06-27战锤40K 来源:百合文库
Cyrene’s shiver threatened to become a tremble, yet she remained where she was.
The craft hovered closer. Rotor fans blew hot airfrom the craft’s anti-gravitational engines. The false angel in the gunner seat leaned forward, adjusting a hidden control on his armour’s collar.
‘Citizen,’the warrior’s vox-voice was a raw bark over the speeder craft’s engine. ‘This sector is being evacuated. Proceed to street level immediately.’
Cyrene took a breath, and didn’t move.
The warrior glanced at his companion in the pilot’s seat, then looked back to Cyrene in her quiet defiance.
‘Citizen, this sector is being evac—’
‘I heard you,’ Cyrene said, loud enough to carry over the craft’s infernal din.
‘Proceed to street level immediately,’the warrior said.
‘Why are you doing this?’ she asked, her voice still raised.
The gunner shook his head and gripped the handlesof the massive calibre weapon mount, aiming it directly at Cyrene. The young woman swallowed – the gun’s muzzle was the size of her head. Every bone in her body gave a panic-twinge, pleading she run.
The craft hovered closer. Rotor fans blew hot airfrom the craft’s anti-gravitational engines. The false angel in the gunner seat leaned forward, adjusting a hidden control on his armour’s collar.
‘Citizen,’the warrior’s vox-voice was a raw bark over the speeder craft’s engine. ‘This sector is being evacuated. Proceed to street level immediately.’
Cyrene took a breath, and didn’t move.
The warrior glanced at his companion in the pilot’s seat, then looked back to Cyrene in her quiet defiance.
‘Citizen, this sector is being evac—’
‘I heard you,’ Cyrene said, loud enough to carry over the craft’s infernal din.
‘Proceed to street level immediately,’the warrior said.
‘Why are you doing this?’ she asked, her voice still raised.
The gunner shook his head and gripped the handlesof the massive calibre weapon mount, aiming it directly at Cyrene. The young woman swallowed – the gun’s muzzle was the size of her head. Every bone in her body gave a panic-twinge, pleading she run.