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2023-06-27 来源:百合文库
“What can I do?” He says to himself after successfully hiding the AUs. Walking around these 32 AUs, he watches the screen expressing the circumstance of these future babies, some of them will breathe in less than 20 days, some of them may wait more than 200 days. But it doesn’t matter. They are all lovely and beautiful. They shouldn’t be killed by those who are downstairs.
“Oh, negotiation.” Only negotiation can help him as well as these future lives get a chance to survive the NG, waiting for reinforcements.


He can replace all the signs so that the NG cannot find these AUs, which means he could get a chance to negotiate with them since the NG needs him to find AUs since they don’t know where the AUs are.
Quicker, quicker, and quicker. Jing runs in the hospital, arming himself various signs directing to different ways. Luckily, he finishes before the NG finds him.
“You won’t find the AUs. You won’t destroy any AU for long. AUs are people’s inventions, not what offends God. We just make people have a better life. Do you know? What you are for, cesarean, is actually what people invent, and even the natural birth is not educated by God but people. I have hidden the AUs. Just leave.”