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2023-06-27 来源:百合文库
30 days ago, the last baby birthed from his mother’s uterus. After that, every baby would bear from an artificial uterus (AU) due to the increasingly enlarging newborns’ head circumference, which is not limited by obstetric canal with the development of cesarean any longer, causing the circumstances that it is nearly impossible to have a natural childbirth, and even cesarean is quite dangerous no matter to the mother or to the newborn.


Hearing someone walking downstairs, Jing is drugged to reality. He must be quicker so that he could protect these future lives from the NG.
Good as the invention of the AU looks since both the mother and the baby can have a more comfortable and safer life, some people started to fight against AUs because they think that machines like that are what offends God who created people as well as how people give lives to their next generation, naming themselves Nature Guard (NG), who empowered themselves to destroy all AUs. After thousands of AUs in 10 nations were destroyed in just several days and hundreds of future new lives lost their chances to come to the Earth permanently, Love Hospital, where Jing is working, became their next attacking target.