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SCP Foundation SCP-5088 - The Empty Pool(4)

2023-06-15 来源:百合文库
No unusual results were observed. All subjects remained dead.
Addendum 5088-3 (Experiment 3):
In order to further clarify SCP-5088's unusual effects following suffocation within it, human testing was approved. As in the original test, the subject (in this case D-22122, a 32-year old woman with no history of suicidal tendencies) was placed within a cage and lowered into SCP-5088. Anesthesia was provided so as to discourage behaviour which could jeopardize the integrity of the test.
Once submerged in SCP-5088, subject was left until death by suffocation was confirmed via testing implants. It was then retrieved from SCP-5088.

SCP Foundation SCP-5088 - The Empty Pool

Upon leaving the bounds of SCP-5088, the subject immediately reanimated as in the previous test, then proceeded to scream hysterically and run towards the nearest wall despite the efforts of security and testing personnel to restrain it. It then began rapidly striking its head against said wall with great force, falling unconscious after five strikes.
During this period, the subject was observed to repeat the words:
It's waiting for me! It's all waiting for me back there!