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SCP Foundation SCP-5088 - The Empty Pool(2)

2023-06-15 来源:百合文库
Although all forms of analysis confirm that no water is present within SCP-5088, objects placed within it will behave as if there is — floating or sinking to the bottom as is appropriate for each individual object. Similarly, individuals placed within SCP-5088 have demonstrated the ability to swim within it, as well as display difficulty breathing when submerged. Post-test interviews indicate that no physical sensation accompanies submergence within SCP-5088, only a change in the ease of movement while inside it.

SCP Foundation SCP-5088 - The Empty Pool

All attempts at removing the hypothetical liquid from SCP-5088 have failed, as it does not quantifiably exist outside of its effect on other objects.
Addendum 5088-1 (Experiment 1):
In order to test the extent of SCP-5088's effects on living organisms, a subject (in this case a laboratory mouse bred for testing purposes) was placed into a small cage and lowered to the bottom of SCP-5088, to be kept there for a period of five minutes.
The subject immediately became distressed when submerged in SCP-5088 and attempted to escape from its cage, but was unable. Subsequently, it was observed to hold its breath for a period of three minutes, following which it twitched numerous times and became inactive. At this time, observation of testing implants confirmed that the subject had expired due to suffocation.