‘They’re using Stealth Dragons!’ roared Alvin the Treacherous. ‘Fire randomly in the air because we won’t be able to see them coming! They’re coming from the air you fools, the air!’
But it appeared these Dragonmarkers were attacking from the land as well.
‘ATTTACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!’ yelled Gobber the Belch.
And the Dragonmarkers that Snotlout had released leapt from the Great Hall and began to fight the Alvinsmen.
They were massively outnumbered of course, but fortunately most of the Alvinsmen army had already launched into the air on dragonback to counter an entirely imaginary Stealth Dragon assault.
They shot randomly in the air, mostly hitting Bullguards, who then thought they had been hit by Dragonmarkers and started shooting back.
So began the Battle Underneath the Waterfall, which, thanks to Camicazi’s brilliance at causing chaos and confusion, mostly consisted of Alvinsmen and Bullguards fighting each other rather than the enemy.