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Fishlegs opened his eyes shakily. 
‘OK, Camicazi, I have to admit, that was kind of brilliant.’
‘You see,’ grinned Camicazi, ‘we’re an army! We’re an entire Dragonmarker army…’ 
She winked at him cheekily. 
‘Watch this…’ 
Camicazi took out a handful of little grey pebbles and flung them in six different directions. They sailed through the air, just normal little grey pebbles… but when they landed… BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The little pebbles exploded, creating the impression that the town was being attacked in six different places, by six different dragons, all at the same time. 


The sixth pebble caused a very large explosion indeed, as it scored a direct hit on Alvin’s armoury and hit the blacksmith’s fire burning merrily away in the middle. 
‘HOOOLIGANS FOREVER!’ bellowed Camicazi, in what was supposed to be an impression of Stoick the Vast. Even with the help of the helmet, it came out a bit squeaky. 
‘Your Stoick impression isn’t as good as your Valhallarama,’ advised Fishlegs. ‘It’s about as convincing as your blond moustache.’ 

