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‘DOWN, SHADOW! DOWN!’ Hiccup shouted. 
The triple-headed Deadly Shadow swooped… 
… and missed, as a manic surge of water swept Camicazi out of the dragon’s reaching talons. 
The sound of thousands and thousands of tons of gushing river water tumbling into a waterfall was absolutely terrifying, and it was just below them now. 
The river rushed over the edge in a flooding, crashing tumult. 


Just the second before she was swept over, Camicazi got one little monkey hand around the rope dangling from the Deadly Shadow above and was lifted clear of the deluge. 
But the Hurricane went plunging over, plummeting downwards, and Snotlout and Hurricane would have crashed to their deaths on the rocks below if the Hurricane had not dragged its wings out of the water in the nick of time. Screaming, the Hurricane soared upwards, yanking Snotlout with him. 

