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I know what awaits Hiccup on Tomorrow, so in my dream I tried to shout to the boy-I-once-was, ‘Go back! Do not go to Tomorrow! Stay where you are!’ But of course my boyhood self could not hear me. ‘STOP!’ I shouted in my dream, but how could he hear me above the roaring of the wind that was blowing away the world all around him? And even if he could, it is already too late for him to go back. The winds of the Amber Slavelands have already blown in the Rebellion. They have torched the little Hooligan village where I grew up. No one could live in those black smoky ruins. And even if he could hear me, would I really want him to do anything differently? Would I really want the ticking-thing to stop, for time to stand still, for Hiccup never to grow up, or to be something other than the boy he is? This is all his— sorry, my fault, but if Hiccup had not acted as he did, there would still be slaves in the Amber Slavelands, Eggingarde would never have made it back to the arms of Bear-mama, the Dragon Furious would still be in chains, the world would still be back in the terrible barbaric times of slaves and tyrants and