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‘Maybe you shouldn’t be trusting me, Wodensfang,’ said Hiccup. ‘What if the Dragon Furious is right? He told me that I would be the one who sent the dragons into their final oblivion… Maybe that’s because I’m going to collect all the Lost Things, and then Alvin is going to use them to destroy the dragons.’ Hiccup covered his face in horror. ‘I can’t bear to think of it – but that is what the Deadly Shadow said, that Alvin could not get hold of the Jewel without me finding it for him. If


that is true, then is it all going to be my fault?’ It was a truly dreadful thought. A world without dragons. A world with no Windwalker. No more flying on his back. No more soaring into the clouds in slow beats of the Windwalker’s wings, up, up, up and looking down on the islands of the Archipelago sprinkled way, way down below. A world without Toothless, perching on your arm, giving you that naughty look, opening up his greengage eyes so innocently as he tells you that he’s going to do something you wanted him to do, he p-p- promises, cross his claws and hope to die, and then flies off and does precisely what he wants? No, it was too horrible to think about. And all to be Hiccup’s fault? No, and again no. Never, never, never. But then again, things can go awry, even if you have the best of intentions…