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You have found the Jewel… um… Even though it has fallen into Alvin’s hands for the moment, I am sure that it will come back to you again… ’ (The Wodensfang tried to sound more sure of this than he was actually feeling.) ‘And you are no longer so alone. Look how full this cave is! You have your human companions, now,’ he gestured with his wing to Fishlegs and Camicazi, ‘not to mention all the followers your splendid mother has brought you with her Dragonmark. What a magnificent warrior she is!’ said the Wodensfang admiringly. ‘Anyway,’ said the Wodensfang, ‘as I was saying, the rest of the Quest should be a piece of


fish-cake. Now all the Lost Things are found, all you have to do is present yourself at the island of Tomorrow, get yourself crowned King instead of Alvin the Treacherous, learn the Secret of the Jewel, and use it to persuade the Dragon Furious to call off this war… See what I mean? Easy peasy, viking squeezy!’ Hiccup was not to be so easily comforted. ‘You’ve forgotten a few important details,’ Hiccup reminded him. ‘I just heard the Dragon Furious and something tells me he’s going to be impossible to persuade. And Alvin the Treacherous has nine of the Lost Things, which might make the Tomorrow Men think that Alvin is the true King. I only have one. And Alvin has the Dragon Jewel, and we know what kind of man Alvin is. He would use the Jewel’s power to destroy the dragons, without even blinking.’ ‘Ah, but Alvin won’t do anything with the Jewel…