‘Are dragons like my Silver Phantom to be destroyed just because there are some dragons out there that are monsters? Are we to be for ever earth- bound because the dragons are no more?’ Obligingly, the Silver Phantom slowly opened his bright wings to their utmost extent and the rising moon lit up all of his delicate silver scales so that they shone like stars. The crowd caught their breath longingly, remembering flying through the stormy skies of the Archipelago on the back of their own dragons. ‘And while I am on the subject of the Silver Phantom,’ said Valhallarama, conversationally, stern eyes narrowing, fingers spinning, spinning, spinning the arrow, ‘I thought I might bring up something which has been puzzling me. ‘This arrow that I have taken from my Phantom’s leg that the witch claims was from an unknown soldier, is flighted with raven feathers and dipped in the poison of the Venomous Vorpent. ‘I believe you keep ravens as pets, witch, and the poison of the Vorpent is your poison of choice?’ Yes, I remember reading her destiny now, thought the witch with disagreeable surprise. And even at seven years old she was a wild, but also repellently clever, little