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there are those that think that maybe the Jewel is not here. Grimbeard had a terrible sense of humour, you know…’ Alvin gestured to his hook. ‘Look at my hand and the coffin-lid…’ ‘Hiccup is the Jewel-Finder!’ shrieked the witch. ‘He found the Crown of the Wilderwest in just three hours didn’t he? When Flashburn had been looking for it for twenty years! ‘Trust me, he’s the kind of boy who needs a deadline.’ Oh for Thor’s sake, she’d gone bananas. ‘I wish you’d let me deal with him right now, instead,’ grumbled Alvin. ‘He’s slipped through my hook so many times. Look what happened in the Flashburn School of Swordfighting, and in the forest of Berserk.’

