hammering swords and spears out of molten red- ended metal. Above Hiccup’s head, continuous rocket explosions sent out huge clouds of yellow smoke that stung his eyelids and crept inside his nose like sulphurous slugs, gagging his throat with the smell of rotten eggs. Lying around the place were enormous evil- looking dragon-traps, weird crazy inventions such as catapults that launched thirty-five spears at once, and Northbows that did the same with arrows. It was all so noisy you couldn’t hear yourself think. The guard shoved them all in there, before hurrying off, bellowing at them over his shoulder to ‘Eat well for the Seeking begins soon!’ – whatever that might mean. To Hiccup’s horror, the courtyard was absolutely packed to the brim with people he knew, from Tribes all over the Archipelago, and as he was the most Wanted person in the Wilderwest right now, he thought it would be wise to slide away into a side corridor. But things really weren’t going Hiccup’s way this morning. ‘HOY! YOU OVER THERE! SMELLY BOY! COME AND JOIN US AT OUR TABLE!’ shouted a large fat man from a table nearby.

Hiccup jumped guiltily. And then he realised, in total amazement, that the large fat man shouting at him was in fact his own father, Stoick the Vast. It was the moment Hiccup had been dreading. The wart and the eye-patch and the smell were doing their job though, because Stoick clearly hadn’t the faintest idea who he was. ‘HOY! SMELLY BOY!’ yelled Stoick again. ‘GET OVER HERE QUICK OR ALL THE FOOD WILL BE GONE!’ Slowly, Hiccup walked up to the table where Stoick was sitting. As he sat down, all the others at the table moved gently away from him like a sea parting, their noses wrinkling. This must be what it’s like to have a highly infectious disease, thought Hiccup. Stoick grunted and pushed a large chunk of bread and a big handful of mussels at Hiccup, trying not to breathe in Hiccup’s particularly ripe and luscious stink. ‘Eat up, boy, before I change my mind.’ At least his father was looking well. He looked a little sad around the eyes perhaps, with a few streaks of grey in his magnificent moustache